Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The 10 All-Time Worst Foods--No, duh!

so, as many of you know, I am a bit of a health nut when it comes to food and exercise-- I am not so good at getting enough sleep ;) --- I have kept track of calorie eaten and burned since I was 14. This is not necessarily a good thing, but as part of my hobby, I actually subscribed to a couple of online magazines. These magazines are full of all kinds of health tips--diets, skin care, exercise tips, etc. The other day a newsletter came into my spam mail inbox, titles thus : The 10 All-Time Worst Foods. Curious, I decided to read what the "experts" had to say about what was bad for your body. These are what they said :

1) Donuts

2) Margarine

3) Sugary Cereal

4) Colored Sports Drinks

5) Toaster Pastries

6) Chips

7) Chicken Nuggets

8) Soft Drinks

9) Bologna

10) Crackers

Some of these may seem surprising, but when you look at the list you can make some pretty fair assumptions. They all have tons of fat and/or sugar. Enough Said. Many of them -- chicken nuggets, bologna, and margarine -- are pretty much a mixture of leftover junk that can't go into any other delicious cuisine. Which when one looks at the stuff that is in these products, why would you eat it anyways?

So from one health addict to another, here is the simple way to know if something is healthy :

1. look for low sugar
2. look for low saturated and trans fats
3. look for high fiber


  1. funny. I must say, that picture of the donuts looks quite tasty. lol

  2. I'm surprised sports drinks are so high on the list!

  3. I don't like bologna or chicken nuggets so its very easy to avoid those for me. But donuts? My mouth is watering just looking at those pics. And crackers? As a mom of little kids, I always have a ton of different types of crackers in the house to snack on.
