Friday, September 10, 2010

I was reading a friend's blog today,and he had a list of goals that he wanted to accomplish this semester. One of them was o go to the temple twice a month. I mean we live in Utah....there are around 5 temples within an hour. That is incredible! It is sad that more of us don't take advantage of going to the temple when so many people in the world save money for their whole lifetime to go to the temple once. Anyways, I think that I would like to make that a goal too. Last year, I was really good at going to the temple. In fact, I was able to go once a week for all of winter and spring semesters. But, when I went home for the summer, that kind of fell apart. I got to the temple once...which is not horrible, cause the temple is kind of distant. But, I should be better. I really ought to get there at least twice a month. I just have the strongest testimony of the importance of the work that happens in the temple. Families are sealed to be together forever. And this is all possible because of the atonement. I know that when we go to the temple, we can feel the Lord's blessing in our lives, and we can become spiritually prepared to understand the mysteries of God. I love the temple.