Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Nerd that is Me

As most of you know already, I am a nerd. Which according to my friend Webster means that I am an:

an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person
; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits.

I guess my dreams of being a supermodel are out with that as my definition. Most unfortunately, while it is not necessarily obvious that I am socially inept, it is quite plain that I am slavishly devoted to intellectual pursuits. While most of my peers are using the summer months to relax after the many grinding months spent in brain-bruising calculus and chemistry courses, I have taken on to endeavor physics for engineers.

In two weeks, I have completed 10 out of 24 lessons, and hope to be done with the course by the middle of July--wish me luck!


  1. I am glad that I never had to take any physics classes. But, you rock. Get the class done! Just remember to have a little fun this summer.

  2. Kellie, you OBVIOUSLY don't fit the first half of the nerd definition. The second half is a good thing to be! :)

    Good luck with physics! you're almost done!! woot!
