Sunday, April 12, 2009

This weekend I spent a lovely weekend with Leslie, Matt and the boys. I arrived on a rainy Saturday afternoon, but you'd never know that it was rainy outside when I arrived, while the sun shone brightly inside. We had a fun time dying Easter eggs, watching "Bedtime Stories", and playing a very intense game of Settlers of Catan. On Sunday morning we went to church, and during Sunday school we snuck home to play the Easter bunny for my nephews. All in all, it was a very fun and relaxing and exciting weekend for me---seeing my family and being away from Provo!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world. Its so much fun. Thanks for coming up for the weekend. I love spending time with you!

  2. Cute background Kell! I love that picture of you and Les. LOVE YOU!
